Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spring Break

A visit to the snow, a trip to San Diego, spring is here.

We enjoyed a few side trips and one long one to San Diego. Eli and MaeMae enjoyed the beach and Legoland. It was good to see Caleb, and for Philip to spend a day in the dorms.

The battle of the bands at picnic day is becoming one of my favorite traditions. MaeMae loved the music and couldn't stop dancing. Eli couldn't stop laughing at the Stanford band and all their crazy costumes. Music is something special that touches the soul.

I have been watching these you tube videos on Stephen Hawking's lectures on the origins of the universe--thoughtful and provocative. There is so much available on the internet these days.
