Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer 2011

The summer is over. Caleb and Philip leave this week for San Diego and Santa Cruz.

It was a good summer. Mt Hermon, Caleb's job, Lake Tahoe, some day trips to the Oakland Zoo, USS Hornet, San Francisco Academy of Science, UCSC orientation.

MaeMae and Elias are enrolled in Chinese school, Philip learned Python.

With Caleb coming home each weekend, it felt like everyone was home. There won't be many more summers like this.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Caleb's Job, Philip's Birthday, and Mt Hermon

If a parent relives his life through the eyes of his children, then it only seems fitting that Caleb's first job would be with the Coast Guard.

Caleb works for the Civil Engineering unit in Oakland. It was a frantic weekend looking at room rentals in the bay area. We finally found one on Alameda.

After Caleb was settled, I bounced back and forth between Mt Hermon, Alameda, and Davis. Mt Hermon was fun with the Lins and Chings. On Tuesday night, I drove home for Philip's birthday and driver's test. Lucnh with Philip and Raider, then that rite of passage. Philip passed.... Then on Wednesday evening, in Alameda, I had dinner and watched a movie with Caleb. Alameda has a large and quaint historical downtown. I enjoyed hearing tales of Caleb's first full-time work experience as an Engineering Tech. Then, back to Mt Hermon with Pearl, MaeMae, and Elias.

At Mt Hermon, I enjoyed the mountain bike ride and hikes. We saw a few homes and are considering a UCSC rental / vacation home.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Philip's graduation was a whirlwind weekend. From Da Vinci's ceremony celebrating Raider's accomplishment; to the Wall's house; DHS graduation on the campus; grad night dealing blackjack all night; then renting the MU for unlimited games.... Next fall, Philip will be a banana slug.

Caleb is home and starts an internship next week at Coast Guard Island with their civil engineering unit. We are trying to set up a summer sublet.

Elias and MaeMae start summer break with gymnastic and swim lessons.

It is good to have the whole family home again, albeit for a short time. Yet, with the little ones it seems like parenting never ends.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A New Era

Philip advanced to the second day at the SJS Masters meet, placing him in the top 12. But his quest for the state tournament ended one match short as he lost his first match on the second day. A win would have likely advanced him to Bakersfield next weekend.

With the moment comes the recollection of numerous gymnastic meets, soccer games, cross country meets, and wrestling tournaments -- which have been a major part of our family weekends.

But all things must come to an end. Soon Philip will be hearing from colleges. A new phase begins.
I wonder if we will follow the same path of athletics with the younger ones?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Good Weekend

Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy being with friends and family.

On Friday, we went out with Arlene, Loy, Katie, and my mom to Jade Garden to celebrate Chinese New Year. Then, everyone came over for dessert.

On Saturday, we visited the Sacramento museums for "free museum day". Then, we had dinner with Chris, Christine, & family playing Wii, Just Dance.

On Sunday, after church, we visited Mom and Dad Louie, then watched the Superbowl with David and Jo-Ann & family.

I was also please that Philip, with the exception of the museums, hung out with us too.

Always focused on tasks, I need to make more time for these events. I hope I am smart enough to learn this simple truth.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas, Just Dance, and Wrestling

We traveled down to San Diego for Thanksgiving and invaded Caleb's apartment for a few days, when his roommates were on leave. From museums to beaches to exploring the campus, it was a restful break, although hard to sleep on Caleb's living room furniture.

Christmas has come and gone like a blur. It was good to have Caleb home, although we didn't do anything special, other than a day at Discovery Kingdom.

Our family fun is playing Just Dance together. Everyone from Elias to my siblings enjoy the game. This is one of my few activities, the only exercise I get now. MaeMae loves the game and can play for hours. Even Pearl jumps in occasionally.

Wrestling season started. Philip is having a good season. He won a championship and places in practically ever tournament. The Enterprise will feature a human interest story on him.

Pearl's work has been busy, as she is back to full time.
