Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Saturday, August 19, 2017

New York City

What a great experience we had in New York. The city never sleeps and I was invigorated being surrounded by so much energy. We walked forever.

On the first day, I was so tired, having taken the red eye. We walked around Central park and the humidity only added to the lack of sleep. We saw the metropolitan art museum and the circular Guggenheum. By the afternoon, we made it to our hotel, then shopping. The next several days we were on bus tours. We saw the city, Chinatown, the upper and lower side. We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, wall street, and climbed the statue of liberty. One of my favorites was top of the rock -- seeing the city from one of the tallest buildings. The NBC building has TV themes throughout. More museums (math, modern art, historical society). I was impressed with the historical society -- to learn how the city evolved as a hub of immigration. The kids loved the statue of liberty, as we climbed to the crown. The windy day and city skyline views were great. We watched a Broadway show, Wicked, and dined at the Stardusk--singing wait staff. The 9/11 memorial was somber.

I was pleased how well everyone did with all the walking and close quarters in the hotel. We were lucky to have good weather and even brief rain storms to cool the summer evenings.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fort Ross, Seattle, Welks Resort, Lake Tahoe

For school trips Eli's class went to Fort Ross and MaeMae's class (the year earlier) was at Angel Island. Fort Ross was nice, next to the ocean, and we acted out being part of the Russian trade post over 100 years ago. In the middle of summer, we had a good time in Seattle. On the first evening, we took the duck tour and I was amazed at how quickly I was able to leave my day to day life and suddenly be swept in the middle of a new city. The vibrant, growing city was everything I expected and more. We enjoyed the downtown, public transportation was great, and the airbnb home comfortable. On other days we went to the Boeing factory tour, then headed out to the coast around Olympus National Park. My favorite was the mountain lake, similar to Lake Tahoe but fewer people. Our other vacation was at the Welk's Resort, a gift from Aunt Amy. Then a short trip to Lake Tahoe with Ken and Jeannie at the start, then the Chings at the end of the week.

Monday, February 27, 2017

La La Land

I saw La La Land with Pearl.  In a strange way, the movie's melancholy story about a couple who falls in love only to be separated by their life's ambitions touched me.   The light-hearted music and joyful choreography routines capture the rhythm of our times -- the perfect balance to a depressing Trump Presidency.

How a simple movie makes me question the meaning of career, as I inch closer to retirement age is bewildering.

The movie's planetarium scenes nostalgically reminds me of our  night in LA a few years ago when we serendipitously visited, after a long day traveling, the museum on an open house night -- a fun filled event hosted by local astronomers.

City of Stars are you shining just for me!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Careers, Soccer, Presidents

Philip has been working for about 3 months at Pride Industries as a Software Developer.  He computes to Roseville.

We coached Eli's U12 AYSO Fall team together and now help with Select.

With my transition to boss at the Senate, my career took an unexpected turn.  The big change is managing the Legislative Data Center.  Researching the chamber projects has been a new endeavor that consumes my time, yet I surprisingly enjoy it.  It makes me ponder those big questions in life.  I never thought that at this stage of my life, my career would be the focus of so much energy.  And, the fact that I enjoy it so much, makes me question should I be enjoying it?  I always imagined that I would soon be winding down my career, work part time, and travel more.  I wait with anticipation to see how this tale unfolds.

Today was Obama's last day as President.  I recall his first day.  I was teaching at Davis High.  I recall Clinton's inauguration, because I passed through Little Rock, en route to DC, shortly after the celebration. Clinton's theme song "Don't Stop Believing" struck me as a profound change as the baton passed to the next generation.  I only faintly remember Bush's inauguration; my only recollection was that it was boring. Trump's defeat of Clinton was a huge disappointment; but in my heart I was always a Bernie fan.  I remember waiting so long (with Eli, MaeMae, Caleb, and Shirley) to hear Bernie speak in Sacramento.

Our big vacation last year was Seattle.  It was fun!  Other side trips included Tahoe, Camping at Lisa's, San Diego, and Dana Point.

I've been working with Tyler Millsap at Da Vinci Charter.  We are staring a coding class!  We presented our plan to the board yesterday and it went well.

Our Felton renters, who have been there for over a year now, are leaving.  I'm not sure if we should convert it to a vacation rental, sell it, or keep it a regular rental.

Mom has been gone for over a year now.  We closed out the jewelry last week.  It was sad.

I am almost 52 years old.  Still wondering what I want to be when I grow up.  Savor each moment!
