Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving -- the familar

Thanksgiving is the familiar--the smell of turkey in the oven and the sounds of ma-jong blocks colliding amongst friendly conversation. I see my past in the little ones, my present in my own life, and my future in my parents' generation...

It was a mix of activities: Caleb's first visit home from college, working on the duplex, Philip's lock-down at DCCC, family baptismal services, and the traditional turkey dinner.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween and Half Marathons

Fall is here. The days are short. MaeMae and Elias celebrated Halloween as Superman and Jessica (from Toy Story). Both are doing well.

Philip finished his final X-country race for the year. He also ran the Clarksburg half marathon to support Jo-Ann. I tried to run a couple of times and realized that there is no way I could do it. I asked him if he would miss X-Country and he definitely will. It has been a fun season for him. While he may not be the fastest runner, he has made great strides. That is the lesson of athletics. Wrestling season starts. Philip is the team captain.
