Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Birthdays During Pandemics

Birthdays during pandemics are not fun.  At least, Caleb and Philip came home for Elias' Birthday.   It was nice to see them and celebrate.   We got a basketball hoop from our neighbors.  I tend to rest in parks and watch the clouds during shelter at home.

Caleb got a tentative offer to  work at CalTrans in their Bridge Engineering Department.   I am happy for him.

I don't know what to make of this crisis.  How will it change me?   It certainly makes me think, what do I want to do the rest of my life, because I am reminded that life is short, time is precious, and things can change quickly. 
