Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Careers, Yoga, Meaning

Simple yoga poses even if only for a few moments, help me break out of my mental prisons and focus on the real moment before me as I connect to my breath and body.  

Recently, I finished a video for the CDT on the California State Payroll System.  It seems like I have placed so much energy and belief in this process, yet I question the headaches of moving forward.  Is this a worthy mission?  How do these plans fit into retirement.  My job still occupies a good portion of my identity, whether this is good or bad, I am less sure.  
