Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kings Basketball, Pickup Soccer & Pickle ball, Rebekah Lodge

Pick up soccer, pickleball, piano, Kings Basketball games, Quacera, Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, work, and local live music events fill my calendar. It's nice to see Caleb and Philip regularly -- either at King's games, pick up soccer, or dropping by the house. Mae graduated and is working. Eli is a Junior in High School and plays tennis and AYSO soccer. Pearl enjoys working part-time as a 3rd grade teacher at North Davis Elementary School. I am learning to embrace both my joys and tears each day, to appreciate both, as they compliment each other.
I had a great time at the Odd Fellows Halloween Party, as Zoltar. I won the prize for best men's costume.
Work has been good. We finally had a reunion lunch together, after the COVID lockdown.
Mae graduated! She has been working at University Retirement Center for over a year now.
Christmas and the New Year has come and gone. We hosted both families this year.

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