Toy Family Life

Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We traveled to Mexico to visit the ancient ruins on a Caravan Tour. I'm glad everyone was available. We started in Mexico City, then drove East toward Cancun. The ancient ruins were amazing. I always ponder what caused these civilizations to collapse. My memories are taco stands, ruins, wrestling, hotel buffets, chicken soup, heat, rain, long bus rides, and quaint cities.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Piano and Soccer

I am grateful for piano and soccer.  I can easily spend a hour everyday playing the piano. Often, I bike ride to the local public pianos in town. On other occasions I play at the Odd Fellows Lodge and volunteer at local retirement homes. During COVID I learned on YouTube. Now, I subscribe to a couple of websites that teach piano songs.  Similarly, pick up soccer is a blast. It's great to play with FC Chill and the Purple AYSO adult league. I'm glad to share this time with Caleb and Philip. Both exercise and music is a true miracle drug for better sleep and mental health.  

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Elias is going to Berkeley

Last week, we toured the campus.  Today was Cal Day.  Berkeley is filled with wonder. Eli is excited.  The College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineer, seems like a rigorous curriculum, with small college community (only a thousand students), inside a much larger prestigious university -- a good fit for Eli.  He saw many friends from Davis High, who are also going to UCB, some from his soccer team, and some even in his same major.  Yesterday, the Davis Enterprise published an article about his leadership on the DHS tennis team.  I am excited to see him challenge himself and grow.


Thursday, February 29, 2024

Eli's Senior Year, Artificial Intelligence, Mexico, Piano, Retirement

Eli is in his last semester waiting to hear back from colleges. Tennis season started. Eli plays #1 or #2. Soccer re-started too. Eli is learning to drive. 

One of my AI stocks is going through the roof. I wonder if this is a bubble or a fundamental shift in the economy. 

We are planning a trip to Mexico in July. 

I still enjoy piano. I'm practicing about a hour a day. 

Wajohn is coming back to California. My AI portfolio is doing well. More than ever, I seem ready to retire. Maybe next year?

Malaysia and Cambodia

What an amazing trip!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Ready for Malaysia

Tomorrow, Eli and I are off to Malaysia with Steven and Matthew Ong.  I am excited for the adventure. It's an opportunity to reflect on this past season and consider retirement and next steps.  In some sense, I could imagine using my retirement to boast the community that I have grown to love and appreciate so much.  Game nights with extended family, joining a band, volunteering at Odd Fellows, coffee with friends....
Philip ran the CIM in 3 hours 19 mins.  It was fun to cheer him on at mile 18 and the conclusion.  I admire his dedication.  He trained so many hours and often drove to Davis early in the morning to run.  I could never imagine the discipline, but he has encouraged me to perhaps run a 5k.  
Darryl visited. It was good for the whole gang to get together for a couple of days. As I get older, I hope to show my appreciation for lift long friends. I hope we all go to Korea for our 60 birthdays.  As we get old, there will be a limited time for our health, interest, and friendship. 
Mae and I dressed up for Halloween and went to the Odd Fellows Party.  It was fun to dress up and dance!  
I was invited to Howie's birthday party. It was a wonderful evening. If I ever have a retirement party, I would like to follow the same formula.  I appreciate the many friends I have come to know at Odd Fellows.  We were all meant to Dance (and play soccer). 
Caleb has been great about purchasing Kings games.  It was fun to go with Chris and Ameya.  It's fund to watch the Kings on TV too.  I am a fan, Sacramento Kings!  
Playing pickup is a treasure.  Philip and Caleb often play and sometimes Eli too.  The exercise is vital for my health and mental well being.  I appreciate the many friends I have made on the soccer field.  We also joined an inaugural AYSO adult league.  Caleb, Philip, Ameya, Minh.  Go purple! 
I went to my 35th high school reunion.  Fun to see Philip, Sean, Laura, Robin, Corey, Gloria, Franny, Rick, Robert Lee, David K.
Eli is really good at tennis.  Four years on the varsity team.  He will likely play #2 or #3 on the team this year.  I am excited to watch him, our last one in high school.  He is applying for colleges now.  Soon, he will graduate and move away.
We had Thanksgiving at Chris and Leah's house.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Life goes on...

Henry, Lisa, Pearl and I hang out more often now, whenever Lisa is in town. Hopefully, we will go to Korea when we are 60 years old.
T and Nguyen moved to Boston. We had our pickleball farewell celebration dinner. Chris Kim has been playing with us recently.
Wajohn moved to New Jersey. This was one of his last days at work. I am lucky to have work friends.
I am playing piano at the Lodge, several retirement homes, and public pianos. A woman bought me flowers at the co-op in appreciation. She called it her own private concert! It's become one of my escapes from reality, lol.
I bought Lisa's porsche, learning to drive stick again!

Thursday, April 6, 2023


For the first time, I am considering a "real" retirement date -- April 2024. I'll be 59 years old. Eli will be finishing high school. Can I fill my time? Will I find purpose? Today, I am grateful to soccer, pickeball, piano, bike rides, family gatherings, Kings games, Quacera. I can imagine more time for Davis Bike Club, Old Fellows, Yoga, Music, Gym, and Sports. Would I join the Peace Corp or some other adventure? Would I take another job -- teaching at NAPS? Would I buy a house in Brettonwood? Am I good enough to be part of a music group or band? Loy passed away. Lisa and Edna have cancer. Ken is legally blind.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kings Basketball, Pickup Soccer & Pickle ball, Rebekah Lodge

Pick up soccer, pickleball, piano, Kings Basketball games, Quacera, Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, work, and local live music events fill my calendar. It's nice to see Caleb and Philip regularly -- either at King's games, pick up soccer, or dropping by the house. Mae graduated and is working. Eli is a Junior in High School and plays tennis and AYSO soccer. Pearl enjoys working part-time as a 3rd grade teacher at North Davis Elementary School. I am learning to embrace both my joys and tears each day, to appreciate both, as they compliment each other.
I had a great time at the Odd Fellows Halloween Party, as Zoltar. I won the prize for best men's costume.
Work has been good. We finally had a reunion lunch together, after the COVID lockdown.
Mae graduated! She has been working at University Retirement Center for over a year now.
Christmas and the New Year has come and gone. We hosted both families this year.
