Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Amusement Park Rides

In May 1997, I wrote the following about one day at Great America with Caleb.  Now the saga continues with MaeMae and Elias' first day on the big rides at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.
Caleb and I had a special day at Great America.  We arrived early and immediately hit the attractions.   It was a hot day, so we particularly enjoyed the “Gak” attraction, which left us totally soaked.   We walked/swam through that area twice.  Caleb is quite the daredevil.  He enjoys roller coasters, bumper cars, and the log rides.  I can’t believe he is only five years old.  I remember the “Days of Thunder” ride, which is a simulated stock car race.  There I sat gripping the safety restraints.  When I looked over at Caleb, he was just sitting there, comfortably.  I was rapt in the story line—imagining my life as a Dayton 500 race car drive.   To Caleb it was nothing more than a large TV screen and a vibrating chair.
 The shows were also interesting.  The first show we saw was about a boy, who gets trapped in cyberspace.   It’s definitely an M-TV production, geared toward my age group—Generation X.  It was full of 10 second music and movie clips from the 70s-80s, a laser show, smoke, and multi-media.  I sometimes wonder what M-TV’s impact will be on the attention span of the next generation.   Another show was about creating special effects in movies.  It was entertaining and informative. I was also amazed by Caleb’s boundless stamina.   We arrived early in the morning, yet stayed until the park closed.  Other than the admission price, we didn’t spend a dime.  I’m trying to teach Caleb that so called “convenience” food and beverages are actually a choice.  By preparing snacks, food, and beverages—we can avoid the higher cost associated with convenience. Overall, I enjoyed my day with Caleb.   He is a wonderful boy!

Now, 15 years later, Elias and MaeMae gets their first adventures on the 'big' rides.  The best part for me is that my days on rides are over, that baton passed on to Caleb and Philip to chaperon the little ones.

And for me, 15 years senior (and maybe not any wiser) a change of perspective.  Less on saving for the future, while more of appreciating life's small gifts of time together.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer Breezes

Summer is half over and it's been a good one.  With the diversion of work and frequent short vacations, I've gained a sense of contentment in my life.  I'm not sure if it's maturity, or gratitude, or my renewed focus on living in the moment--experiencing each sensation as if it were my first.

Short trips to the cabin have been a mainstay of our new routine.  It's not as if we do much there--eat, watch TV, relax.  But the short hikes, beach excursions, and exploration of tide pools makes for rich experiences.  We've had several months to explore the area.   I am amazed at the diversity--beach, tide pools, shops, forest, creek hikes, lakes--all within 15 minutes.

This past week, Pearl and the kids were in Tahoe.  My mom and I joined them for 2 days.  It has been years since my mom traveled.  She did well and enjoyed the reprieve from Sacramento heat.
