Navigating the currents of life... the hopes and dreams of building a family...married with 4 kids... living in a university town... middle-aged and growing older... all forms of bicycling (recumbent, fixed gear, road, xtracycle)... christus victor theology... left slanted politics... being Asian American... trying to make our world a better place for all... the hope of caring for the least among us... Jesus as a revolutionary...Cancer Survivor... Loving all things Code

Monday, March 16, 2020

Social Distancing in the age of COVID 19

I am overwhelmed with this phenomena -- a public health crisis like nothing I have every imagined.  Just as I was becoming comfortable meeting new people and creating new community, we (as a society) are forced to self isolate.   How long with this last?   

To keep my sanity, I go for walks, ride my bike, or relax at the park or around the fire pit.  I've been working in the yard and meditating at the window or at night, when I can't sleep.

When the weather is nice and I'm working from home, I move out to the backyard.

A simple highlight for today was seeing Cold Shot on Facebook.  Only a few weeks ago, I enjoyed hearing and dancing to this band at the local Davis venues.   So, it brought a smile to my face, when I saw their facebook video of their recent social distancing performance.  I immediately started dancing!   It was the highlight of my day! 

I certainly miss my coworkers, friends, and new friends at the Odd Fellows and meditation center.  I also miss the local music venues, UCD performances, and the local museum exhibits.  I miss driving around and going shopping.

Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel, but for now, I take it one day at a time.

I wonder how this crisis will change societal norms, culture, dreams.   I wonder how this crisis will impact my own worldview of how I want to spend the remainder of my limited days.

Currently, I have been focused on the California State Payroll System.  For a fraction of the cost, I am sure my staff could build this project.   The project keeps my mind busy, or should I say, distracted -- during the crisis.

Prior defining moments of a generation include the Kennedy assassination, the moon landing, breaking down the Berlin wall, and 9/11.   The 9/11 era is over.  Will the great recession of 2008 only be a footnote to the COVID 19 pandemic?   Time will tell.   Until then, I need to make it through one more day...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Odd Fellows

I have always been odd.  Now, it is official.   I am an odd fellow! 

The last few days have been enjoyable.  Seeing a the Bronx Tale with Shirley.  Music venues at Armadillo, Thursday Night Live, Classic Film Festival.  Fireside chats with Men of Flame.  It is nice to go to an event and see familiar faces.  While there are times when I am melancholy, I need to reflect on life's many blessings.  

This past year continues to be a new experience.  On occasion, I feel detached from life.  Although the mild depression has subsided, sometimes, I still feel off, as if life is passing by, without meaning.  I enjoy meeting so many new friends at the Odd Fellows, meditation group, and walking club. I've been practicing mindfulness, savoring joyful moments, and contemplating gratefulness, compassion, and connection. 

I must steady remind myself that life is good, to savor each moment, and be kind and compassionate to all. 
